1. Aims

The BSc in BTS programme offers two concentrations of study:
  • Biomedical Chemistry (BMC)
  • Testing and Certification (T&C)

This programme aims:
  • To provide students with a strong foundation in all principal areas of chemical sciences;
  • To equip students with ample knowledge and skills in (applied) chemistry and biochemistry, solving real-world scientific problems especially in biomedicine and (bio)chemical testing;
  • To develop students’ analytical mind, logical and critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are the essential generic capabilities in employment and postgraduate study.

2. Features

a) One Programme, Two Concentrations
BMC Concentration
  • Multi-disciplinary training for drug discovery and disease diagnosis
  • A variety of modern chemical & biochemical instruments for hands-on experience
  • Capstone courses of “Clinical Chemistry and Analysis”, “Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery”, and “Final Year Project”

T&C Concentration
  • Multi-disciplinary training for analytical and bioanalytical testing
  • A variety of modern analytical & bioanalytical instruments for hands-on experience
  • Capstone courses of “Chemical Testing Laboratory Management and Accreditation”, “Data Acquisition and Analysis”, and “Final Year Project”
  • Full recognition from the Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification (HKTIC) for the professional qualification of Certified Testing Professional (CTP, chemical testing) under Professional Certification Scheme for Testing Personnel (PCSTP)^

^ Disclaimer: The award of CTP is subject to the respective awarding body – HKTIC

b) Best Student Experience
  • Final Year Project & Summer Research Programme
  • Overseas Exchange Programme & Overseas Study Tour
  • Internship & Student Assistant Scheme
  • Industrial Seminars and Visits
  • Service- and Experiential-Learning Activities
  • Mobile-Learning through Education Mobile Apps
  • Blended-Learning through Small Private Online Courses
  • Mentor-Mentee Activities and Academic Advising

c) Scholarships

d) Career Opportunities
  • Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemist/Technologist in Testing and Certification Industry
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Manufacturing Industry
  • High School Chemistry/Science Teachers and Laboratory Technicians
  • Research Personnel in Biomedical and Industrial R&D Laboratories
  • Chemical/Instrument Sales and Service Engineers
  • Any position in other fields required a strong scientific/analytical mind

3. Enquiry

Programme Information – Department of Chemistry, HKBU
  • Miss Ruki TO
  • Tel.: (852) 3411-8220
  • Fax: (852) 3411-7348
  • Email: chem@hkbu.edu.hk

Admission Requirements and Application – Academic Registry, HKBU

4. Programme Leaflet

Programme Structure
  • Total number of units – 128 units
    Major Core: 46 units
    Major Elective: 18 units
    Honours Project: 3 units
    University Core: 13 units
    General Education: 18 units
    Free Elective: 30 units
  • Year 1
    Common Year 1 Science and Technology Courses
  • Year 2
    Common Year 2 Basic Chemistry Courses
  • Year 3
    Intermediate (Bio-)Chemistry related Courses
    Intermediate and Advanced Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry Courses
  • Year 4
    Advanced (Bio-)Chemistry related Courses and Applications + Final Year Project
    Applications of Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry + Final Year Project